About us

20 years at your service

About us

20 years at your service

  • The company was created as a result of the need to work the production of garlic that we carry out annually and we prepare it completely for consumption.

  • We are dedicated to the national market and export, we are located in a town in the province of Albacete called El Bonillo.

  • Our staff, 95% is natural and resident of that town. In the collection we make use of immigrant personnel who work in the fields.

  • We supply the national market and export to Europe, America and Asia.

  • All the product that we work and produce is national, our facilities are open throughout the year.

  • Our production is GLOBALGAP certified and we only use phytosanitary products suitable for growing garlic and onions, which are also natural (not organic).

  • In total we produce around 2,000 tons of grain-type onions and 2,500 tons of Spanish Spring Blanco, Violeta and Morado garlic.

  • Direction and Management. Joaquin Cuenca Sánchez