The Galric

Propieties of garlic

The Galric

Garlic is an ingredient that provides us with a large number of medicinal properties that are very interesting for our well-being. In fact, more than 2000 active components present in garlic are known to help us maintain a stronger and healthier body

Some of these components are the following:

  • Essential oils
  • Quercetin (flavonoid with anti-flu, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties)
  • Fructans (ideal to strengthen our defenses)
  • Wide variety of vitamins, especially C and B6
  • Very healthy minerals such as calcium, manganese, potassium or phosphorus

Thanks to its composition, garlic can help us improve our health, strengthen our defenses and make us stronger and protected against external agents. But to take full advantage of the properties and benefits of garlic it is important to take into account something essential: all the components can be used when the garlic is crushed, therefore, it is not recommended to take a whole clove of garlic, but it is best to you crush it.

That said, we are going to know the most interesting properties of garlic and that will help you to have an iron health.

The Galric

Natural antibiotic

Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic. This is thanks to the fact that it is rich in allicin, a property that acts as antibacterial and that will help us avoid the proliferation of bacteria in our body.


It is also an ideal ingredient to prevent the appearance of fungi in our body. It has been proven that many fungi are sensitive to this food, since the extracts of the plant slow the growth of fungi and, therefore, prevent them from growing inside us. Because of this property, in many agricultural fields garlic extracts are used to prevent the appearance of fungi in crops.

Ideal for fighting viruses

We continue to talk about the benefits of garlic to refer to its antiviral effective. Some studies show how garlic can prevent the spread of some viruses, but 100% cannot be confirmed as research is still ongoing. However, due to the natural components of garlic, it is quite likely that it can act as an antiviral and prevent the spread of some diseases such as flu, colds...

Garlic reduces bad cholesterol

Bad cholesterol (LDL) can clog the walls of the arteries over the years, so it is essential to regulate it and lower its levels in our blood. To do this, garlic is a very powerful ingredient because it acts by regulating levels and reducing the presence of LDL. In fact, in the United States many citizens consume garlic extracts to get cholesterol balance.

Powerful antioxidant

Garlic is also ideal to keep our body in perfect condition and avoid the oxidation of cells. This is due to the numerous antioxidants present in garlic and that help neutralize free radicals and keep the body younger and protected. Allicin is one of the most powerful antioxidants present in garlic and with which you will achieve these benefits.


The sulfoxides present in this ingredient are ideal to avoid heavy metals in the body, so it can be a great remedy to improve your health globally and bet on a life full of well-being.

Reduces the blood pressure

Another of the properties and benefits of garlic is that it is an ideal natural remedy to reduce blood pressure and get blood flow this more fluid. This is because this food helps to produce a greater amount of nitric acid, a component that dilutes the blood and therefore contributes to blood pressure. However, it is important to keep in mind that garlic is always something complementary to the medical treatment you follow to treat your high blood pressure, it should never be considered as a treatment in itself.